Saturday, April 10, 2010

the bride wars

It was quite a wedding and as I stood there watching I realized something I'd forgotten a long time ago. Sometimes in life there really are bonds formed that can never be broken. Sometimes you really can find that one person who will stand by you no matter what. Maybe you will find it in a spouse and celebrate it with your dream wedding. But there's also the chance that the one person you can count on for a lifetime, the one person who knows you sometimes better than you know yourself is the same person who's been standing beside you all along.
Marion St. Claire, The Bride Wars

love you :)

anywayy gw tadi abis simak ui. hahahaha gw cm bs ketawa. soalnya susaaaahhh bgt belom pernah gw ngeliat sesusah itu kayaknya. hahaha welcome to atma jaya :D eh tp yg bikin gw kesel, pengawas kls gw tu nyebelin bgt! sotoy dan sok penting. ud gitu gw mengalami kejadian menyebalkan dgn dia! kan buat tanda tangan sama nyalin pernyataan disuru pk pen kan, tapi gw ga yakin gitu akhirnya gw tanya lagi.

gw : bu, ngisi yang ini pake pen kan?
dia : bukan, pake bolfoin!
gw : iya, pake pen kan?
dia : bukan! pake bolfoin! kamu tadi dengerin ga sih saya jelasin?!
gw : kjefncasuyrfbclasy?!?!?!?!?

bloody hell.